Sign up
Sign up to the system using the link at the top of the page.

Configure your System
- Define the Geographical areas that you want to store equipment against. For example Region – > City – > Depot -> Crane.
- Select or define new types of equipment that you have at your site and adjust inspection criteria to suit your organisation.

Start Examining
Download the app to your team’s tablets or smartphones. Your team members can now start adding assets into the system and performing inspections against those assets.
These assets and inspections are now stored against a location and contain information such as examination dates, remove from service dates, asset status (Passed, Failed, Out Of Service, Remove from Service, Maintenance Required) and any other custom fields you may need.

Get Notified
Be notified prior to equipment falling out of test.
Alerts allow you to specify which team members should be notified for each location or group of locations.

Share Information and Report
From your mobile device or desktop, produce reports on equipment at one or many locations.
Share this information with employees, clients, health and safety personal.