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1. Adding Locations


TrackEQ allows you to track where equipment should be using locations. Locations are fixed areas where you may store or use equipment.

Examples of locations could be a Depot, Office, Floor in an Office, Crane.

Locations in TrackEQ have a hierarchy that enables you to view equipment across a range of areas. For example you could set up the following hierarchy.

California -> Los Angeles – > Crane ABC

California -> Los Angeles – > Crane DEF

Using TrackEQ you could view all Equipment you have in California, Los Angeles and in Crane ABC.

To set up a Location please take the following steps.

  1. Log in to https://app.trackEQ.com
  2. Click on the “Locations” Menu Item
  3. Click “Add New”
  4. Enter the “Location Name”
  5. Select the “Parent Location”
  6. If you want to store an address click “More Options”
  7. Click “Save”

Equipment Location

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